Drugs Prevention Mission in Svay Rieng

160 students that join the Workshop

May 17th, 2018, I went to Svay Rieng province with a friend and a facilitator. We were leaving Liger around 7:00 am and arrived in Svay Rieng at 10:00 am. The reason we were going to Svay Rieng was because we were collaborating with an organization called World Renew to raise an awareness to reduce drugs uses in Cambodia. We also work with and organization called KADRA to help us setup all the props for the workshop with students there.


The workshop was started around 1:30 pm and it was attended by 160 students from the government school, and the amount of students who attended the workshop were higher than what we’ve predicted, and there were school’s principal, village’s chief, and the authority in the village. The event was held in the pagoda far away from town. I took us four hours to complete a workshop, but we were having fun as the hours passed. During this immense workshop we had four topics to teach the students, and one of the topics was Drugs Trafficking. I was leading this topics and I noticed significant students were interested with the topic and basically my communication skills. I started giving them instructions about my first activity, and it was called “Match the year and events together”, In some years there were some major events about drugs that was significant to the country. The second activity was answering to the question, How does drugs get in to Cambodia? This means the answer should have no limit, they could answer in any way they want but if they get a point right they will get a point.


After the workshop we provide the students with snacks and a bottle of water to keep them hydrate. There were some snacks left after the students left the pagoda so we just give them to the monk because we’re not sure that we could eat it all. At night we also setup the projector in a primary school in the village and screened them a movie called “Tung Proleng”, the point was not making them to have but we wanted to attract the villagers with that movie, so then we could show our Drugs film next. The audience were way more than what we’ve expected and they were falling into each scene of the film. 9:00 pm at night we had our dinner at one of the students that was from an organization that we’re working with.


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