Teaching Kampong Speus’s Governments School Student to play Frisbee.

[Khmer Below]

A part of my academic studies at Liger is teaching government school’s students to play Frisbee, we introduce Frisbee to these students since the beginning of this school year. I join this project in the middle of the way, but I see the potential of them learning how to play frisbee is empowering. They influence me to play more Frisbee, and watching them train is more than just a dream. In Cambodian propaganda: Girls should only stay at home and do house chores, Yes! This is just a whole mindset of Cambodians toward these girls, they had never seen humans like those girls running, throwing, catching Frisbee, having equal rights as boys, dominating the field and play a new sport that we introduced. These girls are amazing, they are eager to succeed, we teach them, they are focusing carefully, then they apply in their real game, seeing those girls training every weekend is better than watching professional players play in their actual game.

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Installing the Computer lab

Testing out the computer

On 26 of May we went to Toul Prasat Sen Sok high school to install the computer lab. When we arrived at the school everyone started to take off the van and go straight to their own business, which three of the students me and my two other classmates were take out all the electronics devices that came along with us. We spend about 1 hour and a half just for taking out the devices and connected the wires to each devices together. All of the devices that we have to take out were the computer screens, mouse, and our Raspberry pi. When we finished taking out all the devices and connect them together, we started to check and we were trying to run the entire computer lab to see does it work or not. I started to turn on the power of the lab and I saw all of the screens were turning on but some were doesn’t work with the Raspberry pi and it wasn’t showed up. Some of the computer were working really well but some were working but the mouse doesn’t work. That were the problems that we had and we have to come back to figure out what to do with it so we could launch our first computer lab for the student to do their learning curriculum.

Turning on the power


After installing the computer lab we had lunch with the school director and having chat with him about our school and get to know more about each other. At 2 pm we return back to the safely.

Taking out the electronic devices

Mondulkiri Youth Camp

explaining the students about drugs trafficking

On 2/4/18 we went to Mundolkiri province to participate in a Youth Camp that was hosted by World Renew, and the youth camp was called Youth are Leaders for Community Transformation. The Youth Camp was participated by Liger’s students and the students from four other provinces in Cambodia, Youth Camp was created to solve the issues in the community and brought the students together to discuss and find solution to solve the issue. The Youth Camp was held for four days and we were having fun with the other students from other provinces by sharing some facts about Liger and we were playing some games together with them to get to know each other. Most of the topics that they taught us was taught by an expert except for us, we lead the activity by our own.

The first day was covered with foods topic and topple the three facets groups of foods: Proteins, Carbohydrates, Vitamins & Minerals, this was just taught me how to eat good foods for my body and not picking on which foods I like. Eating the foods you like it doesn’t mean that they are good for your body and what you need to do is just eating the right foods for your body to keep you healthy.

The second day was just a fun day because we were doing some activities together to build up our team work skills and improve it. We were separated into 12 groups of students and we have to work together to create a Eiffel tower that was capable of toppling from a storm. They provided us only four pieces of big papers and we have to build the Eiffel tower with those papers. Before we started building the tower we sketch the idea on a smaller pieces of paper to have an idea of what will our Eiffel tower looks like. Once we sketched our first ever Eiffel on a piece of paper we started to build our own tower. We worked so hard to make our own unique Eiffel tower. When we finished our tower was 150 cm high, and seem strong but it wasn’t. At the end of the time we were presenting about our Eiffel tower and was putting in a actually test and we fails.

The third day was just a day that we lead the activities on our own. Our presentation was so effective base on the comments that we got and we see how much did they understand about our topics.


Drugs Prevention Mission in Svay Rieng

160 students that join the Workshop

May 17th, 2018, I went to Svay Rieng province with a friend and a facilitator. We were leaving Liger around 7:00 am and arrived in Svay Rieng at 10:00 am. The reason we were going to Svay Rieng was because we were collaborating with an organization called World Renew to raise an awareness to reduce drugs uses in Cambodia. We also work with and organization called KADRA to help us setup all the props for the workshop with students there.


The workshop was started around 1:30 pm and it was attended by 160 students from the government school, and the amount of students who attended the workshop were higher than what we’ve predicted, and there were school’s principal, village’s chief, and the authority in the village. The event was held in the pagoda far away from town. I took us four hours to complete a workshop, but we were having fun as the hours passed. During this immense workshop we had four topics to teach the students, and one of the topics was Drugs Trafficking. I was leading this topics and I noticed significant students were interested with the topic and basically my communication skills. I started giving them instructions about my first activity, and it was called “Match the year and events together”, In some years there were some major events about drugs that was significant to the country. The second activity was answering to the question, How does drugs get in to Cambodia? This means the answer should have no limit, they could answer in any way they want but if they get a point right they will get a point.


After the workshop we provide the students with snacks and a bottle of water to keep them hydrate. There were some snacks left after the students left the pagoda so we just give them to the monk because we’re not sure that we could eat it all. At night we also setup the projector in a primary school in the village and screened them a movie called “Tung Proleng”, the point was not making them to have but we wanted to attract the villagers with that movie, so then we could show our Drugs film next. The audience were way more than what we’ve expected and they were falling into each scene of the film. 9:00 pm at night we had our dinner at one of the students that was from an organization that we’re working with.


Rabies in Cambodia

Welcome to the Zoonotic Disease Exploration. Zoonotic means a disease that transmitted from Animals to Humans In this exploration we were helping an organization called PPAWS to spread the information around the village about the free Rabies vaccination and free surgery for the pets. We went to Mondulkiri with PPAWS to do this mission. There were about 50 dogs 20 cats in total for two days, and there were about 20 dogs get surgery and 8 cat get surgery. We also help to prepare the event in Koh Krobey and Chumpous Kaek pagoda to give the free Rabies vaccination to the villager’s pets.


I also learned how to be a good communicator in this Exploration, as a stranger walking into the village that I never heard of is difficult but I have to confront it to be a change agent. Some people were interested but some are not which is normal for the people in the isolated area. I met some people who really love their pets, so they took it to get the vaccine, but some people they don’t care about their pets. I also want to say thank you to Liger that gave me this immense opportunity to learn about Rabies and able to work with an awesome organization (PPAWS).

Take your pet to do surgery without paying!!




Rabies is a type of virus that reaches your brain and cause Encephalitis.Rabies move through our nervous system. 600,000 bites a year, 3-4 injuries from 100 people. After bitten the virus takes 1-3 months to reach the nervous system. Eating dogs meat also could transmit the disease to human too if we wound in our mouth. It is 100% FATAL, no cure, only vaccine. The symptoms of animals that have rabies are, hydrophobia, acrophobia, hyper-salivation, and difficult in breathing. You can identify the animal if it has, tail down, voice change, lost of orientation, can’t recognize its owner, hyper-salivation has rabies. I Cambodia rabies identify that it is mostly happen on dogs but these animals also have it too, cat, cow, pig, squirrel, bat, and African Dog. Why is it mostly happen on dogs in Cambodia? Because it is our favorite pet and popular.Image result for rabies dog


To Spray or Not to Spray

This amazing seven weeks project has changed my life. I learned how to write a magazine and how to become a better writer. In this project I studied about the pesticides that sprayed in Liger, the power of the pesticides on insects. We went to Snoul to learn about the organisms in the organic farm. I learned about an organic farm who doesn’t use pesticides to repel the pests out of the farm in fact they created their organic pesticides to repel the pests off their products. I been to CEDAC (an organization that is working with the villagers about producing the organic products). CEDAC is working with 18 provinces including our capital city on organic products and finding the market for the organic farmers in the provinces. I wrote an article “The Ultimate Battle between Liger vs Pests”. In this article I wrote about the problems here that we had with pests as our main issue. I also include Liger as the subject in this article because many things were take place in Liger. At the end of the this project we had a Magazine as our final product.

Crime In Cambodia

Crime in Cambodia
My second explorations of this year is Crime in Cambodia(CIC). In CIC we have seven members in the class include one facilitator. CIC isn’t learning about the crimes but we were learning about laws. Our main topic is about illegal fishing. We went to kep province for learning about fishing laws also the illegal fishing. In cambodia it have a lot of illegal fisherman include Cambodian fisherman and Vietnamese fisherman. There are many illegal fishing boats go out at night to catch the fish. We met one organization call Marine Conservation Cambodia(MCC) that are trying to protect the marine lives. One main issue that MCC trying protect from is the trawling boats. When the fisherman do the trawling for fish they also kill the other marine lives such as coral reefs and other sea creatures. Our goal are to make website and making a really nice documentary. Our audience is Liger students and facilitators.

a group of students in CIC
A group of students in CIC

Bunong Minority Describtion

Exploration: Bunong minority
Number of students: 12
Duration: 10 Aug-30 Sep
Learning Facilitators: Phearun/ Jaime

Essential Questions:

What are the values and traditions for Bunong minorities?
How have they preserved their cultural traditions sustainably?
What are the issues they are facing in their living situation presently?
What are there different life cycle between Bunong and Khmer people?
What are the differences of lifestyles between Bunong and Khmer people?
How does their education differ from Liger or government schools?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of their cultural superstitions?

Almost all countries of the world are existing minorities, including Cambodia as well. There are approximately twenty indigenous minorities living in Cambodia, which most of them inhabit the Northeast and East. In this exploring project, we will basically study about Bunong people who is one of the Cambodian indigenous minorities. Students will conduct cultural studies, particularly their culture, belief, lifestyle, interaction, tradition, right, living situation and so on. In this research, students will partly focus on the present issues applying influences over their living conditions. The faith, which is a crucial component, will be proposed to students to explore as it is supposed to be a fascinating topic and different from Khmer majorities. Also, we will find out how they are able to preserve their cultural traditions even it’s currently under the management of government authorities. Increasingly, we will have a field trip to Mondulkiri, where Bunong communities are situated in, to discover directly from them by interviewing and seeing obvious aspects surrounding them. The trip will be collaborated with ICSO, which is closely working with indigenous communities in Cambodia. After seven weeks over the course, students will be able to illustrate their understandings of Bunong people and be aware of current issues they are facing, so they can find some solutions to cope with those. Students will publish a book with photographs, that will be described, they captured as their final product of the exploration to share with government schools in Cambodia, as well as the world. Additionally, they will have practiced with learning outcome skills such as interviewing, presentation, computer development and experienced learning outside the classroom and expertise with photographs.