Khmer Song

I am writing a song about myself. I get inspired by some songs in the 60s. This song is talking about how I end up with loving each girls from all provinces in Cambodia. In fact I wrote this song because it’s reminded of places that I been to around Cambodia. Down below is my Khmer song that I wrote!!



ដល់កំពង់ធំស្រលាញ់ក្រមុំស្ទឹងសែន ពេលមកដល់សៀមប៉ាងម្នាក់ឯងសែនស្រលាញ់ក្រមុំស្ទឹងត្រែង

មកដល់ភ្នំពេញទន្ទេញស្នេហ៏អ្នកព្រៃវែង ពេលដល់ស្រុកកំពង់លែងគឹស្រលាញ់អ្នកកំពង់ឆ្នាំង។


ដល់ស្រុកក្រូចឆ្មារស្រលាញ់ក្រមុំខេត្តត្បូងឃ្មុំ ពេលជិះផុតខេត្តកំពង់ធំស្រលាញ់ជាំក្សាន្ដព្រះវិហារ​

ដល់ខេត្តស្វាយរៀងស្រលាញ់ក្រមុំបាវិត្តចន្ទ្រា ដល់ខេត្តកែបជិះនាវារទៅស្រលាញ់អ្នកខេត្តកុះកុង។


រតនគិរីស្រលាញ់គ្មានពីរអ្នកស្រុកបានឡុង កំពង់ស្ពឺស្នេហ៏អ្នកឧត្តុង្គតាកែងក្រុងត្រាំកក់ផងដែរ

ស្ទឹងត្រង់កំពង់ចាមដៃបងរអាមចង់នៅចង់ក្បែរ មណ្ឌលគិរីបងសុំតែថែរក្រមុំអ្នកកែវសីម់៉ា។


២៥ខេត្តក្រុងថិតនៅក្នុងបេះដូងជានិច្ច តាខ្មៅបងស្រលាញ់មិនភ្លេចអូនបែរគេចបងមើលក្រោយខ្នង

បន្ទាយមានជ័យមាឡៃដួងចិត្តរ៉ាមពិតស្នេហ័ស្នង ទន្លេបាទីឆោវីមាសបងសុំស្នេហ៏ស្នងអ្នកស្រុកតាកែវ។


ទៅដល់ក្រុងកែបបងលួចស្រលាញ់ក្រមុំពងទឹក ដល់ប៉ៃលិនស្រវឹងទាំងព្រឹកចិត្តរំលឹកនឹកដល់ជាយក្រែក

ពេលដល់ភ្នំពេញមកច្បារអំពៅទៅចំពុុះក្អែក បេះដូងខ្ញុំស្ទើររហែកស្រែករកក្រមុំស្រុកកៀនស្វាយ។


ដល់ស្ទឹងសង្កែរខ្ញុំលួចស្នេហ៏ក្រមុំបាត់ដំបង ពេលជិតដល់កំពង់សោមបងលួចបែតីព្រៃនុបបេះដូង

សៀមរាបកំពង់ក្ដីចិត្តបងបែតីក្រចេះស្រុកឆ្លូង ឧត្តរមានជ័យបងសូមឆូងស្រលាញ់អ្នកត្រពាំងប្រាសាទ។


Physics Assignment

In Physics class our teacher gave us an assignment to do. The topic is about finding the Physics behind any object. Since Physics attending everywhere my group decide to fine the Physics behind Football. 

Below are the examples of Physics behind football!


  1. First law
    1. The goalkeeping role the ball to the defender, if there no frictions acting on the ball will just keep moving.
    2. If the ball stay at rest it still at rest, unless a footballer kick it
  2. Second Law
    1. Soccer ball and bowling ball, bowling ball has more mass so it has less acceleration. Soccer ball accelerate faster cuz it has less mass
    2. Greater force of kicking to more acceleration
  3. Third Law
    1. When you kick the ball the ball pushes equal and opposite on our foot
    2. When we jump and hit the ground and it bounce back up, this is because when our mass hit the ground and the Earth exert the same amount of force as the amount of our body hitting the ground.


Base on the book a Trapezoid is quadrilateral in which only one pair of opposite sides is parallel. Below is a formula of how to find the area of a trapezoid:


1/2* Sum of parallel sides* Height

Khmer Reading


Cambodia is a historical country. We only find the history of Cambodia from books, videos, documentaries. Cambodia had leaded by many different kings.

And this book is mainly talk about the history from Angkor Period until the French Colonization. 

Coming of age narrative

Every Second Counts


“Every second counts.” Every child dreams to be successful in the future. Success, success, who doesn’t want success in their life? Work hard, determined, optimise, and focusing are characteristics that brings success into people’s life. Some people dream are success, and some are not. Mistakes are going to attend in everywhere. Don’t let those mistakes make one’s forsake their goal.

I have had a tougher life than anyone else. I do not remember my father, and he went away, nor never come back to see his son. My parents had divorced when I was two year-old. The third person makes my parents got divorced, and I have bad relationship with my parents instantaneously. My mother was in Phnom Penh, and my grandmother always went outside to work for others. Only me and my brother stayed home. Every day I taught my brother how to be a good kid. My grandmother always borrowed the food ingredients, other stuff to use for daily life, and loans the money from others just only for her grandsons.


When I was young I had an ability to learn. Since I understood that my family struggled, I tried harder and harder to study. When I was in grade one, I have only a book with a plastic bag as my backpack and got no school uniform. When I curious with some words I don’t even know if I should ask my teacher or wait until the school day end, and come back home to ask my grandmother. Unfortunately some words she doesn’t know either. I cried, I cried because I didn’t know, I cried because I didn’t understand, and I cried because I was determined student that shouldn’t forsake on things easily. I read all the time, I read when I saw letters, I read when I saw posters, and I read when I saw commercials. My life was hard, but I have a high self-esteem, and I never forget my identity.


Since then, I find myself loving school. A lot of the villagers approached me, and appreciated me. I tried very hard to learn; every second counted for me. I’ve got a lot of encouragement gifts from my teachers and the school director. I love playing football since I was 8 year-old. I joined the PKU U12 in 2012, and I won many titles with the team. I really like football because football is a popular sport in my town and everyone plays it. I spend some of my time helping my grandmother to harvest the rice for daily life profit. I helped her to do agriculture for her rice owner.


My life are messed with those kind of words (bullying) we stay strong, and we work together very well. My parents had to live far away from us. I only stayed with my grandmother. I was a bad kid, and lived in a bad environment. I used to smoke  cigarettes and drank wine. I’m sure that these are not a good thing for kids to do because it is bad for our identity. I had a lot of conflicts with my brother also, once I went up on the stairs, and then he closed the door, and hit me directly reverse back to the ground, and I broke my left arm. As a poor family, at the we were famished. We just ate things randomly without knowing the effect of the foods. Once I was eating a watermelon, and I was poisoned by the watermelon. I almost died at that time, but luckily I was saved by my neighbors.  I tried hard and I went to school every day to do extra studies.

Life was challenging me when I was young; however, I fight through it day by day.

Once I hear the news about Liger was recruiting students to learn in Phnom Penh, I decided to tell my grandmother and do the test with my others classmates. I did the test twice  until I can come to Liger. Once I passed the test; I went home quickly like a gust of wind and told my grandmother that I passed the test. I was asking her for a permission for me to study here in Liger, and she said Yes fast like a lightning strike. I felt so lucky to receive this opportunity at Liger.


My life has not been easy, and I had to struggle every day; however, all the moments of determination and patience paid off, because now I am at Liger and know that I will be a success.

I changed my mindset by a lot. Grow older makes me feel different than before and it’s changed my brain. I could do things legitimately. Coming to Liger is really important to me because I need to change my country, and my family. I changed my identity, but it is a bad characteristics, when I came to Liger, and most importantly I like the study program here. We got sports, ASEs, and many other things.

First Physics Lab

To experimentally determine the coefficient of static friction for multiple materials, and to solidify students’ understanding of friction.


  • Planks of wood
  • Measuring tools (protractors, rulers)
  • different types of sandpaper
  • Cloth
  • Books (for raising planks of wood)
  • Paper clip boxes (for sliding down planks)


  1. Build a ramp using the plank of wood and a stack of books/objects.
  2. Place a box of paper clips upon the plank of wood and determine the minimum angle at which the box will slide.
    1. Place the box of paper clips onto the plank.
    2. If it immediately slips down the plank, reduce the angle of the ramp (lower the raised end of the plank) and try again.
    3. If it now doesn’t slip, increase the angle, and try again. Repeat adjustment process until you find the angle at which the box just starts to slip.
    4. Make your changes in height small enough that you can get an accurate idea of what this angle is.
  3. Do three trials of this process, and take the average of the three angles you measure.
  4. Repeat this procedure, placing the different types of sandpaper/tin foil on top of the plank surface. Rotate the sandpaper among the different lab groups.
  5. Record your findings in your notebook, in a table similar to the one below.
  6. Use the average minimum angle you find for each material to calculate the coefficient of static friction (hope you remember how to do this 🙂 !) Rewrite the math in your lab journal.
  7. When you are done, look at your results and put the materials in order from largest coefficient of friction to smallest. Compare with other groups!