Changing Cambodia 2017-2018


Second to seconds, day to days, year to years, Cambodia has grown rapidly based on many sectors. On behalf of that numbers of opportunities have been given to me to change my wonderful country. Changing Cambodia is like a film and I am the main character of the film.


Moreover, Cambodia was a big part of my life and I was ravenous to change Cambodia by establishing my knowledge to the citizens. Even though I was replenishing into small gaps of issues in Cambodia, I change myself into a better well-known and respected youth leader. I appealed to many theories in Cambodia, and I’ve been leading some activities that lead people to have a better life. I change Cambodia throughout drugs exploration and rabies exploration.


There appears to be a multitude amounts of Cambodian are teenagers, some were graduated from school and some still haven’t finished their studies, even though some of them conducted by drugs, and drugs manipulate their lives. Using drugs is a significant topic to discuss because everyone in this country are being threatened by it apprehensively.


Many of the drugs users doesn’t know about the impact and issues about it, they just used it in a purpose of having fun and to release stress from learning and family issues.

I was entertained with some irregular events before, but now I am replenishing my brain full of knowledge about drugs after studying about it from the National Authority For Combating Drugs in Cambodia.


I understand more about the adverse impact of using drugs and I’m in a position to refute to people who are addicted to drugs to stop using it. As a part of an appointed change agents I consider myself as a proactive change agent who contributes much of my knowledge to many of my nation citizens.


We were cooperating with an organization called WorldRenew to work together and raise an awareness due to drugs issues in the community. We worked with eight accumulated students from four different provinces in Cambodia. We worked extremely hard to give a day workshop to the students from the four provinces about drugs uses in Cambodia, and the workshop included games, presentation and at the end of the workshop we handed the prizes for the winning team, and as individual. Beside working for the community I also went to Mondulkiri to confer in a Youth Camp that talk about young leaders in the country.


There seems to be abundance of dogs in Cambodia ‒ five million dogs to be exact – and 50% of the dogs carries Rabies Virus ‒ Rabies virus is a zoonotic disease which it could transmit from animal to animal ‒ animal to human. Rabies is a dangerous virus that  no one discovered it is a threatening disease on our lives, dogs and human constitute a close relationship together and some people had dogs as their pets, and pets and owner have a strong contraction together.

Dogs that have rabies behave strange and they usually scare of water and air (wind), and if you were to get bite by a dog that means you’ll have 50% chance to get rabies virus from a dog. Considering rabies virus as a dangerous virus in Cambodia because it killed people more than Dengue and Malaria combined.


People don’t give that much attention to themself after they get bitten by a dog because they don’t have enough knowledge to their foundation, but you could identify rabies symptoms a month after you get bite, and these are just the dark side of the virus but you also have the vaccines to prevent it.


Alternatively you have to get two vaccinations and one extra just in case anything could happen with many consequences, also the vaccines are available in Pasteur Institute, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.  As a change agent of the nation, we associate with an organization called PPAWS to give free rabies vaccination to the villager’s pets in Mondulkiri. We went to Mondulkiri for three days to give free vaccinations and did some surgeries to cats and dogs there.


First we broke up into teams and decided to go to the villagers houses and ask for their pets that need vaccine or need to do surgeries. We received a bunch of pets from their owners and gave free vaccinations and did some surgeries too, on behalf of that there were more pets coming through into the office on the second days, and everyone was working hard with full effort to get this done.


Moreover, we also work with Animal Rescue Cambodia (ARC) to give free rabies vaccinations to dogs and cats that lived around our campus. We set up at our place at the two pagodas which were Chompukaek and Kul Tortang pagoda, I was part of the advertisement team so I went out to travel into the villages that close to the pagoda and distribute the information around the community. At the end of the day we got a lot of dogs and cats from the village to get the Rabies vaccinations from us.

Changing Cambodia is not an easy task to accomplish, with a concoction topic to discuss, it takes years to achieve these goals, in order for you to be a significant commission for your country​ you have to do something that will taint in their brain permanently. With these small actions you could change people’s destinations with many circumstances, and this country need more change agents to influence other commissions to transform this place into the world that everyone know. If you appreciate your opportunity to change this country you are creating a big change in this country.  


I personally feel extremely excited to change my country by creating activities that people in the communities could participate and work together to engage and find solutions to create change for this country. These are just some concepts that are significant for me to reflect back and bring it up to discuss and next year I hope to foresight myself create a bigger change, and abscond Cambodia to another landscape.


Changing Cambodia 15/16

I think some problem that we should change Cambodia are the Phnong Indigenous Minority culture and also the economic in Cambodia which is about business, the Cambodian fisheries. I have been asked to some people around Phnom Penh about their business and it is cool, many people had some really cool idea and successful business man. In this years I have changed Cambodia by studying about the Phnong Indigenous minority. We all created a book that is about Phnong Indigenous minority. Our purpose is to preserve the Phnong minority culture and their livelihood. We want all of the people around the world to know more about the Phnong Minority. Also the are not a lot of Phnong Indigenous group in the world. For the Cambodian fisheries is that my group went to Kep province and interview also did the documentary about Cambodian fisheries and put that video PPYFF (Phnom Penh Youth Film Festival) and we got an award as a best documentary. Also I’ve studied about the Human OF Cambodia in this project my group and I got to go to many different places in Cambodia for interviewing people. The most common questions that we asked them were What is the most import time in your life? What make you happy the most? And more so these are some of the questions that we asked them. So this is what I learn and I changed my country because of this education.

Changing Cambodia

I have change Cambodia is I learn in the forest and how to protect the forest?.
We that we protect the forest it will changes Cambodia and it protect from hot.
When I learn lots from the forest and I can share to the people in Cambodia.
I learn about the tong tin how does the people in Cambodia play and it is good and.
When they play tong tin it have good and bad good is we play and win and we have lots of money.
Bad is when we play we win and we want to play again and then the boss run away.
And some people borrow the money from the bank to that games and the Cambodia people like to play but it not so good for all of Cambodia people.
The business is when we have lots of the money we can changes Cambodia by build the school and give the Education to the child in Cambodia.